July 28: Los Angeles, CA Santa Monica Antique & Vintage Market At the Santa Monica Airport Interim Open Space, 3233 Donald Douglas, Loop 1st & 4th Sunday Every Month 7am-3pm 310-909-9001 Phone or Text Follow Us on Facebook www.SantaMonicaAirportAntiqueMarket.com
August 2-4: Albuquerque, NM Great Southwestern Antique Show Manual Lujan Jr. Exhibition Hall Expo New Mexico 300 San Pedro NE Charity Sneak Preview Fri. 1pm-6pm Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm Victoria Roberts, 310-456-4702 Verver9@gmail.com www.gswevents.com
August 3: Orleans, MA 54th Annual CCADA Summer Antique Show in Orleans Nauset Middle School Front Lawn, 70 Route 28 9am-3pm Cape Cod Antique Dealers Association, Inc. info@ccada.com www.ccada.com
August 4: Alameda, CA Alameda Point Antiques Faire 3900 Main Street 6am-3pm 510-522-7500 randie@alamedapointantiquesfaire.com www.AlamedaPointAntiquesFaire.com
August 10: Somerset, PA 53rd Annual Somerset Antiques, Artisans & Ales Streets of Somerset, PA Antiques & Artisans 9am-5pm, Ales & Entertainment 11am-5pm Somerset County Chamber of Commerce Sandy Berkebile, 814-445-6431 info@somersetcountychamber.com www.somersetpa.net
August 10: Mashpee, Cape Cod, MA Antiques on the Mashpee Commons Show & Sale On The Mashpee Commons Green 10am-3pm Goosefare Antiques & Promotions Elizabeth DeSimone, 800-641-6908 goosefare@gwi.net www.goosefareantiques.com
August 11: Taunton, MA Taunton Ma Doll, Bear & Miniature Show and Sale Taunton Convention Center/Clarion Hotel 700 Myles Standish Blvd 10am-3pm Wendy Collins, 603-969-1699 CollinsGifts14@aol.com, www.CollinsGifts.com
August 14: Waldoro, ME 25th Annual MADA Coastal Antiques Show Medomak Middle School 318 Mankin Street 10am-3pm Maine Antique Dealers Assoc. 207-409-3084
August 14: Damariscotta, ME 25th Annual Coastal Antiques Show Great Salt Bay Community School, 559 Maine Street, Business Rt. 1 10am-3pm Maine Antiques Dealers Association Elizabeth DeSimone, 207-409-3084 goosefare@gwi.net www.maineantiques.org
August 15-17: Denver, PA The Stretch Glass Society’s 50th Anniversary Show & Convention Comfort Inn – Lancaster County North, 1 Denver Road Thurs. 7pm-10pm (Opening Reception), Fri. & Sat. 9am-10pm The Stretch Glass Society Vickie Rowe, 978-894-4526 pvrnurse@gmail.com, www.stretchglasssociety.com
August 18: Nashua, NH EBW Monthly Coin & Currency Show Eagle’s Wing Function Center, 10 Spruce Street 9am-2pm 978-658-0160, info@ebwpromotions.com www.ebwpromotions.com
August 24-25: Raleigh, NC 90th Old North State Antique Gun & Military Antiques Show North Carolina Fairgrounds, 4285 Trinity Road Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10am-4pm Carolina Trader Promotions 704-254-6181 richard@thecarolinatrader.com www.thecarolinatrader.com
August 24: Osterville, MA 4th Antiques at the Academy The Founder’s Gym at Cape Cod Academy, 50 Osterville West Barnstable Road 10am-3pm Goosefare Antiques & Promotions Elizabeth DeSimone, 800-641-6908 goosefare@gwi.net www.goosefareantiques.com
August 25: Los Angeles, CA Santa Monica Antique & Vintage Market At the Santa Monica Airport Interim Open Space, 3233 Donald Douglas, Loop 1st & 4th Sunday Every Month 7am-3pm 310-909-9001 Phone or Text Follow Us on Facebook www.SantaMonicaAirportAntiqueMarket.com
August 27-October 30: Weston, WV Special Exhibition Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Stretch Glass Society Museum of American Glass, 230 Main Avenue Bridgeport Conference Center, 300 Conference Center Way, Bridgeport 304-269-5006 www.magwv.com