January-December: Los Angeles, CA Santa Monica Antique & Vintage Market At the Santa Monica Airport Interim Open Space, 3233 Donald Douglas, Loop 1st & 4th Sunday Every Month 7am-3pm Admission $5 (Under 16 free) Free Parking, Friendly Dogs welcome on a Leash 310-909-9001 Phone or Text Follow Us on Facebook www.SantaMonicaAirportAntiqueMarket.com
January-December: El Cajon, CA The San Diego Antique and Vintage Show and Sale 311 Highland Avenue Third Saturday of the Month, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Free Parking- Free Admission Larry Stone, 619-368-2055 larrystonebooks@gmail.com
January-December: Alameda, CA Alameda Point Antiques Faire 3900 Main Street 1st Sunday of the Month, 6am-3pm 510-522-7500, randie@alamedapointantiquesfaire.com www.AlamedaPointAntiquesFaire.com
January-December: Washington, D.C. The Flea Market at Eastern Market 7th & C Street SE, Capital Hill Every Sunday, 10am-5pm Diverse Markets, 202-215-6993 info@easternmarket.net www.easternmarket.net
May 18-October: Woodstock, NY Mower’s Saturday & Sunday Flea Market Maple Lane Sat. & Sun., 8am-6pm 845-679-6744 woodstockfleamarket@hcc.rr.com www.mowerssaturdayfleamarket.com
August 27-October 30: Weston, WV Special Exhibition Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Stretch Glass Society Museum of American Glass, 230 Main Avenue Bridgeport Conference Center, 300 Conference Center Way, Bridgeport 304-269-5006 www.magwv.com
September 28-29: Schoharie, NY 48th Annual Fall Antiques in Schoharie Schoharie Valley Railroad Museum Complex, 143 Depot Lane Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 11am-4pm Schoharie Colonial Heritage Association Ruth Anne Wilkinson, 518-231-7241 scha@midtel.net www.schoharieheritage.org
September 29: Stamford, CT ACES Gallery Fall Auction 85 Old Long Ridge Road Online, Phone & Absentee Bidding 1pm EST 475-500-7118 gallery@aces.net www.aces.net
September 29: Sandwich, MA The Sandwich Flea Market Oakcrest Cove, 34 Quaker Meeting House Road 6am-12 Noon Lisa, 508-685-2767 www.thesandwichbazaar.com
September 29: Adamstown, PA Renningers Antique Show Special Sundays 2500 North Reading Road 7:30am-4pm 717-336-2177 adams@renningers.com www.renningers.net
October 4-5: Clinton, TN 23rd Annual Clinch River Fall Antique Festival Market & Main Streets Fri. 12pm-6pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Rain or Shine Historic Downtown Clinton www.historicdowntownclinton.org
October 5-6: Spokane, WA Custer’s 49th Annual Fall Antique & Collectors Sale Spokane Fair & Expo Center, 404 N Havana Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm Jim Custer Enterprises, Inc. Cheryl Custer-Branz, 509-924-0588 info@custershows.com www.custershows.com
October 5-6: Allentown, PA Fall Allentown Paper Shows The Allentown Fairgrounds, Agriplex, 302 N. 17th Street Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm Sean, 610-573-4969 allentownpapershow@gmail.com www.allentownpapershow.com
October 6: Alameda, CA Alameda Point Antiques Faire 3900 Main Street 6am-3pm 510-522-7500 randie@alamedapointantiquesfaire.com www.AlamedaPointAntiquesFaire.com
October 10-26: Warrentown, TX Cole’s Fall Antiques & Collectibles Show Highway 237 & FM 954 October 10-19 - Inside Building October 10-26 - Outside Building Brittany, 832-655-5995 www.colesantiqueshow.com
October 12-13: Davisburg, MI The Michigan Antique Festival 12451 Andersonville Road Sat. 8am-6pm; Sun. 9am-4pm Matthew Edens, 989-687-9001 michiganantiquefestival@gmail.com www.miantiquefestival.com
October 12: Petersham, MA Yuletide Yankees Annual October Vintage Holiday Show Town Hall, 3 S. Main Street 9am-2pm Patricia Susen. tsusen3@hotmail.com www.goldenglow.org/regional-yuletide-yankees
October 12: Ann Arbor, MI 15th Annual Indian Art & Frontier Antiques Show Washtenaw Farm Council Event Center and Fairgrounds, 5055 Ann Arbor Saline Road Fri. Preview 2:30-7:30pm; Sat. 9am-3pm Dick Lloyd, 248-840-7070 frontierantiques@att.net
October 19-20: Greenwich, NY Antique Fair and Flea Market Washington County Fairgrounds, Route 29 Sat. 8am-5pm, Sun. 9am-4pm Fairground Shows NY 518-331-5004 www.fairgroundshows.com
October 19-20: Haddam, CT Connecticut River Valley Antiques Show Sponsored by the Haddam Historical Society Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 11am-4pm Goosefare Antiques & Promotions Elizabeth DeSimone, 800-641-6908 goosefare@gwi.net www.goosefareantiques.com
October 20: Boxborough, MA The Boxborough Antique Show The Boxboro Regency Hotel, 242 Adams Place Rachel Gurley, 207-396-4255 www.gurleyantiqueshows.com
October 20: Nashua, NH EBW Monthly Coin & Currency Show Eagle’s Wing Function Center, 10 Spruce Street 9am-2pm 978-658-0160 info@ebwpromotions.com www.ebwpromotions.com
October 20: Countryside, IL The Countryside Collectors Classic Toy Show Local 150 Union Hall Building, 6200 Joliet Road 10am-2pm Unique Events Jim Welytok, 262-366-1314 unievents1@aol.com www.uniqueeventsshows.com
October 21: Petersham, MA Yuletide Yankees Annual October Vintage Holiday Show Petersham Town Hall, 1 South Main St. 10am-2pm Yuletide Yankees Events Patricia Susen, tsusen3@hotmail.com
October 25-27: Braseltn, GA Braselton Antique & Artisan Festival 115 Harrison Street Fri, 12pm-6pm, Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm 706-824-7204 www.vintagemarkets.net
October 25-26: Weston, WV Museum of American Glass Gathering Museum of American Glass, 230 Main Avenue Bridgeport Conference Center, 300 Conference Center Way, Bridgeport, 304-269-5006 www.magwv.org
October 25-26: Manchester, NH New Hampshire Coin & Currency Expo Double Tree by Hilton Manchester Downtown, 700 Elm Street EBW Promotions, LLC Ernie Botte, 978-658-0160 ernie@ebwpromotions.com www.nhcoinexpo.com
October 27: Los Angeles, CA Santa Monica Antique & Vintage Market At the Santa Monica Airport Interim Open Space, 3233 Donald Douglas, Loop 1st & 4th Sunday Every Month 7am-3pm 310-909-9001 Phone or Text Follow Us on Facebook www.SantaMonicaAirportAntiqueMarket.com
October 27: Southbury, CT Jenny Lind Doll Club 34th Annual Antique, Vintage & Collectible Doll, Bear & Toy Show & Sale Southbury Fire Station, 461 Main Street 10am-3pm Jenny Lind Doll Club, Lynda, 203-240-6832 jennylinddollclub@gmail.com
October 31-November 3: Fairfield, ME Fall 2024 Premier Firearms & Militaria Auction 199 Skowhegan Road 8am Poulin Antiques & Auctions, Inc. 207-742-0007 jamesjulia@poulinauctions.com Internet Bidding at: www.bid.poulinauctions.com www.poulinauctions.com
November 2: Brookline, NH Annual Fall Postcard Show and Sale Brookline Event Center, 32 Proctor Hill Road 10am-4pm (Early buying from 8:30-10am) Granite State Postcard Quest Kathy or Ron Pelletier 603-582-4491, 603-620-8112 kpelletier34@gmail.com www.brooklineeventcenter.com
November 2-3: Washington, PA 49th Annual Antiques & Collectibles Sale Washington County Fairgrounds, 2151 N. Main Street Sat. 9am preview Open 10am-4pm; Sun. 10am-3pm The National Duncan Glass Society 724-225-9950, docent@duncan-miller.org www.duncan-miller.org
November 2: Berlin, OH Simple Goods Early Country Antiques & Primitive Goods Show Heritage Community Center, 3558 US Route 62 9am-3pm Christina Hummel 570-651-5681 simplegoodsshow@gmail.com www.facebook.com/simplegoods