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               WHAT’S SELLING ON eBay

            $1,125.77 (35 bids, 14 bidders) A Rare 17th Century Pilgrim Period   WT: This very rare table descended in the Frost family of Massachusetts
            Stretcher Base Tavern Table in Original Red Paint.  From the Frost    and later Kittery, Maine. This table was part of the estate property of
            family of Kittery, ME, all original. A museum-quality late 17th century   Brigadier General John Frost of the French and Indian War and
            Pilgrim Period stretcher base tavern table in the absolute best original dark   Revolutionary War. General John Frost of Kittery, then of Massachusetts
            red painted surface with an old, cracked varnish. Northern Mass. Bay   (1738-1810) served as Captain in the French and Indian War Canadian
            Colony, circa 1680-1700, in Maple and Eastern White Pine. All cleat    campaign of 1759. In 1775, he served as a Lieutenant Colonel at the siege
            battens are intact. You can see by the photos that in the 19th century they   of Boston. When the campaign of 1775 began, he was promoted to the
            added some casters to the bottom that have been removed. The single-  rank of Colonel, and he won distinction in the New York engagements that
            board pine top is 26” deep and 41” long, standing 24 3/4” tall. (photos   preceded the retreat of General George Washington to Philadelphia. As
            courtesy three-girls).                                            Colonel, he fought in the battles of New York, Stillwater, Bemis Heights,
                                                                              Saratoga, and Monmouth, and in the Southern theaters until the War’s
                                                                              end. He was commissioned Brigadier General in command of the York
                                                                              County Militia.
                                                                                 Early tavern tables were carried out next to customers while they were
                                                                              seated at a tavern. One or two people would then use the table while they
                                                                              were dining. You can think of them as a 17th century TV tray. Despite the
                                                                              name, they were also used in private homes.
                                                                                 The seller’s description dates this table to the late 17th century, but they
                                                                              were still crafted by cabinet makers into the 18th century.
                                                                                 Several tavern tables have sold at auction. recently A tavern table from
                                                                              the first half of the 18th century sold for $375 at Link Auction Galleries.
                                                                              Another dating from 1680-1700 sold for $750 at Flying Pig Auctions in
                                                                              2016. That table was made in Essex, MA, which is also along the North
                                                                              Shore where this eBay example was said to have been made. I also found
                                                                              that another was sold last year in an online deaccession auction for the Dey
                                                                              Mansion Washington’s Headquarters in Wayne, NJ. That circa 1800 table
                                                                              fetched only $100. This table was a win for the eBay seller.

                                                                              $103.50 (27 bids, 12 bidders) Original Vintage 20” Mid-Century
                                                                              Modern Panther Ceramic TV Lamp, 1950s. Nearly 20”long, this lamp
                                                                              works 100% (needs bulb). Spotless!! Not a scratch, not a ding or blemish. The
                                                                              tag reads: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. There is something “loose” within
                                                                              the cat – not sure how it (whatever it is) got inside. Manufacture defect?

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