Page 4 - brimfield-guide-may-24
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Welcome to Brimfield!
hree times a year, the Brimfield shows attract thousands of
dealers and shoppers from around the world looking to stroll down
TMemory Lane, add to their collection, find that perfect piece for Brimfield
that special spot or discover a new DIY project. Unique and eclectic old Show Guide
and vintage finds share the fields with antiques from all eras, repurposed Publisher
projects, and decorative embellishments. A photo gallery of Brimfield Maxine Carter-Lome
finds can be found on our Instagram page @journal_of_antiques, a great
way to experience Brimfield if you can’t get here to do it in person – as is Business Manager
our Facebook page. Jeffrey L. Lome
With 19 show fields and venues, some open daily and others only open
for a few select days during the show week, it is hard to know where Managing Editor
to start. Our best advice is to consult with the Show Schedule (page 3) Judy Gonyeau
to see what shows will be open while you are here, consult our Map (page 5)
to see where each show is located along Route 20, and then start
Sales Representatives
walking until something catches your eye. Our bet is you won’t have to
Jeffrey Lome
walk too far! Each show field has a community of professional dealers
with a dazzling array of merchandise waiting to welcome you and answer
your questions. For more information on what’s offered on each show Art Director
Lynn Cotterman
field, see page 7.
We hope you find this Brimfield Show Guide useful, here at the Production
Jill Montague
Brimfield shows for local places to stay, dine, and shop, and for learning
about other upcoming antique and collectibles shows taking place Subscriptions & Circulation
around the country. You will also find a Shop Finder Guide for places to stop
and antique shop along the way. For more information on upcoming shows 508-347-1960
and articles of interest, please visit our website at 888-698-0734
Happy hunting and collecting! JOURNALOFANTIQUES.COM
Mailings: P.O. Box 950
Sturbridge, MA 01566
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