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6    MAY 2024                                                                                                                                    BRIMFIELD SHOW GUIDE

                                              Watson Farm, R.I.

                                                                         Center for Preservation
                                                                         and Collections, Mass.

            Codman Estate Fine Arts
              Become a
            & Crafts Festival, Mass.          Roseland Cottage, Conn.

              Member                                                     Farm friends, Spencer-

                                                                         Peirce-Little Farm, Mass.

               Become a Historic New England member
               and uncover stories and treasures of New England
               as you explore our thirty-eight historic sites. Join
               a membership community dedicated to celebrating
               the full story of New England and know that you           Beauport, the Sleeper-
               are helping to build a sustainable future for historic    McCann House, Mass.
               preservation by supporting Historic New England’s
               mission to save and share the past for generations
               to come.
               Make new discoveries this year with these

                •  Free tour admission to thirty-eight can’t-miss
                  historic sites
                •  Access to members-only collections storage tours
                •  Discounts on in-person and virtual events
                  throughout the year
                •  10% discount on all shop and greenhouse purchases
                •  Historic New England magazine
                • And more!                                              Vintage Base Ball, Spencer-
                                                                         Peirce-Little Farm, Mass.

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