Gavels 'n' Paddles: Martin Brothers tobacco jar, $111,750, Rago Arts & Auction
28 May
Gavels ‘n’ Paddles: Martin Brothers tobacco jar, $111,750, Rago Arts & Auction
Recent Auction Results From Near & Far By Ken Hall Martin Brothers triple bird tobacco jar sold for $111,750 at a 20th Century Decorative Arts & Design Auction held March 1-2 by Rago Arts & Auction Center in Lambertville, N.J. Also, a Newcomb College oil lamp by Mary Sheerer rose to $93,750; a Viktor Schreckengost charger titled Lady Godiva went for $93,750; an Albert Paley dining table coasted to $59,375; a Paul Evans directional deep relief cabinet fetched $53,125; and a wall hanging cabinet by George Nakashima went to a determined bidder for $50,000. Prices include a 25 percent buyer’s premium.
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