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Fireplace log holder, $55,020, Toomey & Co.

Fireplace log holder, $55,020, Toomey & Co.
Results of Recent Auctions From Near and Far
All prices include the buyer’s premium
by Ken Hall
Fireplace log holder, $55,020, Toomey & Co.
Fireplace log holder, $55,020, Toomey & Co.

A fireplace log holder created by Marie Zimmerman (1879-1973) sold for $55,020 at an Early 20th Century Design sale held June 4th by Toomey & Co. in Chicago. Also, a Gothic-style sconce by Samuel Yellin (1884-1940) changed hands for $17,030; a bird-form sconce, also by Yellin, finished at $24,890; and a large, circa 1917-1922 vase with a eucalyptus branch by the San Francisco Arts & Crafts metalworker Fred Brosi, made of handwrought patinated copper, brought $24,890.