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Lionel Messi napkin, $972,398, Bonhams

Lionel Messi napkin, $972,398, Bonhams

Results of Recent Auctions From Near and Far

All prices include the buyer’s premium

by Ken Hall

Lionel Messi napkin, $972,398, Bonhams The napkin on which a commitment was made to then 13-year-old future Argentine soccer superstar Lionel Messi for a contract from FC Barcelona, written in December 2000, sold for the equivalent of $972,398 in an online auction that ran from May 8-17 by Bonhams in London. The original 6 1/2 inch square napkin, laminated and framed, was signed by then FC Barcelona’s sporting director Charles Rexach, and two agents (including Horacio Gagglioli, the consignor).