Guess What Article for July 2001
By Bob Cahn, “The Primitive Man”
It comes apart as shown.
The following are some suggested possibilities:
- Pregnant guppy underwater birthing chamber
- Child’s single portion rice cooker
- Swinging baker’s confectioner sugar sifter
- Bouillion cube diving bell flavor dissolver
- Closet mothball holder
- Easter egg dye tinting dipper
- Insect “bring-em-back-alive” field trip canister
- Beef jerky air -curing chamber
- Swinging 3600 mini bubble maker
- Scrap pieces soap saver
- Sesame seed toaster
- Vampire garlic neck pendant
- Hard boiled egg hot water dipper and retriever
- Seed corn air-drying chamber
- Window box plant insecticide duster
- Split pea softening soaker
- Coffee pot coffee grounds container
- Miniature hanging windproof candle lantern
- Baby food manual puree masher/strainer.
On your marks, get set, guess! Correct answer next month*
*From the 50th Anniversary collection of dealer/collectors Ernie and Edna Jones, Mohegan Lake, NY.
Answer to June 2001 Issue Guess What..?
What we showed you last month looked like a self-inflicting torture device or circulation inducer. The series of blunted steel nail-like spikes embeded in a round wood base is not just a crude handmade one – but an actual manufactured meat tenderizer, patented on Sept. 12, 1876*
*From the super collection of Chuck and Bonnie Badger, CA.
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