Gavels ’n’ Paddles: Sam Doyle folk art, $204,000, Slotin
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An original folk art painting by Sam Doyle, titled St. Helena’s First Blak (sic) Midwife, sold for $204,000 at an auction named Delta Blues to Visual Blues held April 26-27 by Slotin Folk Art Auction in Buford, Ga. Also, William Hawkins’s Rider on Horseback fetched $43,200; a sugar chest in the shape of a desk realized $36,000; Chris Hipkiss’s Brought Up By The Sea breezed to $19,200; Mattie Lou O’Kelley’s Hurrying Home made $18,600; and Herman Bridgers’s Two Churchmens hammered for $13,200. Prices include a 20 percent buyer’s premium.
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