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Carhartt Overalls sign, 1910s, $19,690, Miller & Miller

Carhartt Overalls sign

Results of Recent Auctions From Near and Far
All prices include the buyer’s premium

by Ken Hall


Carhartt Overalls sign A Canadian porcelain sign from the 1910s for Carhartt, Inc., a heavy-duty workwear firm founded in Detroit, sold for $19,690 in two days of online-only auctions held Dec. 7-8 by Miller & Miller Auctions, Ltd., in New Hamburg, Ont., Canada. Also, a Canadian Peabody’s (“Railroad King”) Overalls porcelain sign from the 1910s garnered $13,125; and a Canadian 1940s White Rose Dealer sign, the 24-inch diameter version, with bracket, fetched $10,665.