Tippco tinplate Santa car, $28,910, Bertoia Auctions
Gavels ‘n’ Paddles
Recent Auction Results From Near & Far
By Ken Hall
A circa-1928 Tippco tinplate Santa car with revolving Christmas feather tree sold for $28,910 at a Toybox Treasures Sale held Sept. 21-23 by Bertoia Auctions in Vineland, N.J. Also, a circa-1925 Gendron Pioneer Line Packard pedal car sped off for $23,600; a circa-1910 Marklin cast-iron accessory lamppost with glass globes and Art Nouveau styling rose to $21,240; a circa-1890s Marklin Tilbury coach with wicker-type sides earned $20,060; and a Hubley cast-iron ‘Truk’ Mixer with revolving drum made $14,160. Prices include a 15 percent buyer’s premium.
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