Heritage Americana & Political Signature Auction
February 21-22: Online Heritage Americana & Political Signature Auction The Roger Kimmel Collection Heritage Auctions, 877-HERITAGE www.HA.com/6311
February 21-22: Online Heritage Americana & Political Signature Auction The Roger Kimmel Collection Heritage Auctions, 877-HERITAGE www.HA.com/6311
February 21-23: Chattanooga, TN Chattanooga’s 51st Antiques Show & Sale The Signal Ballroom, 21 Choo Choo Avenue in the Chattanooga Choo Choo Complex Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. 11am-3pm Houston Museum of Decorative Arts 423-267-7176 www.thehoustonmuseum.org
February 21-25: Williamsburg, VA Colonial Williamsburg 77th Annual Antiques Forum The Williamsburg Lodge, 310 S. England Street 800-603-0948 www.colonialwilliamsburg.org/learn/conferences
February 22-23: Columbus, OH Scott Antique Markets Ohio Expo Center, 717 East 17th Avenue Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm 740-569-2800 www.scottantiquemarkets.com
February 23: Los Angeles, CA Santa Monica Antique & Vintage Market Santa Monica Airport Interim Open Space, 3233 Donald Douglas Loop S 7am-3pm 310-909-9001 Phone or Text www.santamonicaairportantiquemarket.com
February 28-March 1: Arcola, IL Country Spirit Antique Show - Spring Edition 3 locations: Arcola Center, Masonic Lodge, and the Best Western Hotel Conference Center Friday Preview Sessions Vary By Location (details on website & Facebook page) Saturday Show Hours 9am-3pm Jill & Mark Mattingly, 312-957-1065 countryspiritshow@gmail.com www.countryspiritshow.com
March: Douglass, KS ‘Spring Into March’ Upcoming Woody Auction Online & In person 317 S. Forrest Street See website for auction dates and times 316-747-2694 info@woodyauction.com www.woodyauction.com
March 2: Alameda, CA Alameda Point Antiques Faire 3900 Main Street 6am-3pm 510-522-7500 randie@alamedapointantiquesfaire.com www.alamedapointantiquesfaire.com
March 2: Los Angeles, CA Santa Monica Antique & Vintage Market Santa Monica Airport Interim Open Space, 3233 Donald Douglas Loop S 7am-3pm 310-909-9001 Phone or Text www.santamonicaairportantiquemarket.com
March 2: Boxborough, MA The Boxborough Antique Shows The Boxboro Regency Hotel, 242 Adams Place 10am-2pm Rachel Gurley, 207-396-4255 www.gurleyantiqueshows.com