Guess What Article for November 2003 The Journal of Antiques & Collectibles
By Bob Cahn, “The Primitive Man”
We respect your visual acumen, so mentioning that it is heavy glass (C.1900) seems a bit redundant. Size to help form a referential perspective; height-8” x diameter-71/2”; hole diameter-3”. Armed with these semi-pertinent facts, can you pick the correct answer, lurking and smirking among the impostors.
Is it:
- Grape dehydrating bell (raisin maker)
- Weather station rain measuring jar
- Communal firefly lighting lantern
- Early chemical-filled “smash-in-case-of-fire” extinguisher
- Ragweed pollen sampling and gathering device
- Orchard frost-prevention smudge pot
- Flying insect trap
- Hum-ming bird feeding station
- Plant terrarium
- Queen bee’s laboratory see-through hive.
This list of plausibility’s was designed to torment you. Let us know if we succeeded. Till next time!*
* from the devious collection of Dennis Fuse, Redding, Conn.
Answer to October 2003 ‘Guess What?’
Last month’s well-designed and well-thought out GUESS WHAT was a combination brass wallpaper trimmer with a wooden built-in roller handle – as well as featuring a spring-activated safety cover – which allowed the worker to carry it in his overall pocket without fear of shredding or amputation.*
* from the well-designed collection of Mike Goodman, Vermont and Florida
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