Ken’s Korner: Fan pays $5,300 for hockey team’s toilet
01 Feb
Ken’s Korner: Fan pays $5,300 for hockey team’s toilet
News & Views From the World of Antiques & Collectibles By Ken Hall Ken’s Korner: Fan pays $5,300 for hockey team’s toilet
You might say Jim Vigmond is the Toronto Maple Leafs’ #1 and #2 fan. The hockey fanatic recently paid $5,300 at auction for a team toilet from the old Maple Leaf Gardens, where the NHL Leafs played from 1931-1999. The toilet occupied one of the stalls in the home team’s locker room. Vigmond said he was prepared to bid as high as $10,000. He also wanted to buy the Maple Leafs’ 1967 Stanley Cup banner, but bidding got too steep. The record asking price for a celebrity commode was Catcher in the Rye author J.D. Salinger’s, on eBay in 2010 — $1 million.
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