NORTHAMPTON, MA – OCTOBER 18, 2015: Flamingo Eventz and the Southern New England Antiquarian Booksellers (an expanded incarnation of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Antiquarian Booksellers) have joined forces to present the 11th Annual Pioneer Valley Book & Ephemera Fair on Sunday, October 18, 10am – 4pm at Smith Vocational School, 80 Locust St (Rt. 9), Northampton, MA. Exhibitors from across the Northeast will fill the school’s cafeteria, stage, corridors, and lobby with collectible, rare, antique, modern, fine, scholarly and used books, manuscripts, prints, maps, autographs, photographs, postcards and every other sort of printed ephemera.
Many local SNEAB members always exhibit: from Northampton, Barbara Smith features children’s books, postcards, paper; Joslin Hall offers material on decorative arts; Lin & Tucker Respess, fine Americana and manuscripts; Rich West of Periodyssey old magazines; from Conway, Southpaw Books sells pamphlets on social reforms; from Amherst, Michael Muilenberg select natural history; from Huntington, Barbara Paulson brings Victorian paper and postcards; Peter Masi from Montague displays local history pamphlets; John Kuenzig of Topsfield offers scientific and technical books and instruments; from Greenfield, Steve Finer Rare Books, antique catalogs, technology, and history.
Coming west for the show, Boston’s Commonwealth Books with modern literature and antiquarian books; from Gloucester, Isabel Sloane, Windrush Books, who shops the UK for stock; Robinson Murray from Melrose, 18th and 19th century Americana; and Phyllis Butters of Danvers, children’s books and prints.
From New York, Peter Luke of New Baltimore brings a wide range of interesting and fascinating antique paper; from Gilbertsville, Butternut Valley Books; from Cold Spring, ephemera maven Evie Eysenburg; Allan Raymond from Salisbury, fresh finds in ephemera and photographs; Catnap Books of Cobleskill offers a mélange of the interesting, the unique and one-of-a-kind treasures.
Exhibiting from Vermont, Austin’s Antiquarian Books of Wilmington, rare and unusual. From New Hampshire, Deborah Lavoie Fine Books and Paper Treasures from New Boston offers a selection of vintage Valentines and Ladies’ Interest. From Arrowsic, Maine, James Arsenault, with fine Americana, manuscripts, and from Hallowell, Howard’s Collectibles.
Coming north, Joseph Barrepski – For The Collector of Glendale, RI offering a general line of books, paper & ephemera; Colebrook Book Barn, fine Americana, antiquarian, and first editions; John Bale Book Company of Waterbury, old, odd and interesting. Jeff Bergman of Fort Lee, New Jersey brings modern first editions; medical specialist Wes Williams of Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Northampton and nearby Pioneer Valley towns provide a great variety of restaurants and entertainment. The Five Colleges, Smith College, University of Massachusetts, Amherst College, Hampshire College, and Mount Holyoke College offer library and museum exhibits and cultural events, but if it is Parents Weekend, hotels may fill quickly, so book early. Old Deerfield is nearby, Yankee Candle, too.
The Pioneer Valley is a primary foliage destination in the fall, with many scenic hikes and drives, and you can pick your own apples and stock up on cider, pumpkins and chrysanthemums while visiting.
The school is on Route 9, near Cooley-Dickinson Hospital; there’s plenty of free parking. The event is catered by Black Sheep Deli from Amherst.
Admission is $6, $1 off with a card or advertisement; $3 ages 12-21; under 12 free. Click and for more information. All are cordially invited.
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