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Author Archives: Maxine Carter-Lome

Gavels 'n' Paddles: Dashiell Hammett book, $65,000, Swann Galleries

Results of Recent Auctions From Near and Far by Ken Hall A first-edition copy of Dashiell Hammett’s book The Red Harvest (New York, 1929), sold for $65,000 at a sale […]

Americans who like to buy their fine art through internet auction now have a friend:

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Life’s about to get a whole lot easier for Americans who like to buy their fine art, antiques and collectibles through internet auction., the Swedish-based […]

Gavels 'n' Paddles: Historical shirt of armor, $2.3 million, Rock Island

Results of Recent Auctions From Near and Far by Ken Hall A historical shirt of armor dating back to a 15th century Egyptian sultan sold for $2.3 million at a […] Auction Highlights the Beauty & Functionality of Corkscrews

What makes collectors compete hard for a corkscrew which ends up selling for thousands of dollars? There’s no one answer. In a recent auction, very different styles of corkscrew […]

Publishers Corner: February 2016

Maxine Carter-Lome - Publisher

Arts & Crafts Road Trips In December the editorial staff and I took a road trip to The Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms in Morris Plains, New Jersey. Having lived […]

Gavels 'n' Paddles: 1920s Arcade panel van, $21,240, Bertoia Auctions

Results of Recent Auctions From Near and Far by Ken Hall A circa-1929 Arcade ‘White’ delivery panel van with ‘Peerless’ ad sold for $21,240 at a Holiday Surprises event held […]

Mantle Card Crush Records in Memory Lane Auction

TUSTIN, CA—Highlighted by an ultra-high grade run of Mickey Mantle cards, Memory Lane’s Winter Classic Auction tallied over $2.1 million and set several hobby records when bidding wrapped up early […]