Lee Man Fong painting, $9,440, Michaan’s Auctions
Gavels ‘n’ Paddles
Recent Auction Results From Near & Far
By Ken Hall
An oil painting by Indonesian artist Lee Man Fong, titled Young Woman With Junk Boat, sold for $9,440 at an auction held Dec. 2 by Michaan’s Auctions in Alameda, Calif. Also, a 19th century Continental School oil painting titled Portrait of a Lady at a Spinet coasted to $2,655; a single lot of two unique Edwardian diamond and platinum ring semi-mountings went to a determined bidder for $1,003; and a Kazak rug went for more than triple its high estimate of $700, selling for a very hefty $2,242. Prices include a 17 percent buyer’s premium.
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