Raymond Jonson oil painting, $65,175, Clars Auction Gallery
Gavels ‘n’ Paddles
Recent Auction Results From Near & Far
By Ken Hall
A signed and framed oil on board painting by American artist Raymond Jonson (1891-1982), titled Arroyo, sold for $65,175 at a monthly Fine Art Sale held Dec. 9 by Clars Auction Gallery in Oakland, Calif. Also, an artwork by Southwestern U.S. artist Howard Scheeter (1903-1976), titled Spur Line, climbed to $26,070; an early gelatin silver print from 1936 by Brett Weston (Am., 1911-1993), titled Dunes, garnered $17,775; and a bronze sculpture by Vassili Yacovlevitch (Russ., 1831-1905) made $15,405. Prices include a 19 percent buyer’s premium.
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