Collecting with Jeff
with Jeff Figler
One of the most enjoyable collectibles is that of a little box (in most cases) that plays lovely sounds. They have been around for a long, long time and can be extremely colorful and decorative. And they are indeed one type of collectible that you can place in even your nicest and most formal room.
I’m sure you have figured it out what I am describing. Yes, that’s right – music boxes.
Music boxes date back to 1796, when Antonio Favre first incorporated a musical gadget in not only watches, but also pendants and perfume bottles. Pins were set into a revolving cylinder to pluck the teeth, which then produced a musical tone. The note produced by each tooth was determined by the length of that tooth. Aha, the invention of the music box.
As a collector, you need to determine if you are collecting for looks, sound, scarcity, condition, or any other factor. Obviously, you should keep in mind that the older a music box, or any item for that matter, becomes, it becomes more fragile. I would not suggest that you try to play vintage music boxes too many times, or you might wind up with a broken box or handle.
Keep in mind, too, that many boxes may look very good, but do not play good music. Music boxes are one type of collectible that I would not suggest that you buy from eBay, or for that matter, sight unseen, or sound unheard. You might be sorry later.
As most people are aware, the designs of music boxes can be simply incredible. The creativity of the manufacturers is astounding. Some of the most beautiful pieces I have seen are those of carousels, human figures, as well as even animal adaptations.
The beauty of music boxes is that they make for excellent gifts, as well as being collectible. And they are very affordable as well, unless you are trying to track down vintage music boxes that were manufactured 200 years ago. But I urge you not to play the music too many times if you have one that is vintage.
I know many people who enjoy collecting music boxes, and I think you will, too.
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