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Guess What? July 2002

Hearth to Hearth: Poems in Food Advertising

A Hard-Earned Passion for Victorian Oil Lamps

System for Dating Country and Primitive Furniture, Part One

Guess What? June 2002

Hearth to Hearth: Poetry in Cookbooks

Stuff of Dreams: Art as Everyday Life

Who Wins and Who Loses as Antiques go to Cyberspace

Hearth to Hearth: Kitchen Gardens

Hippie Culture Memorabilia

The Antique Dealer and the Web Search Engine

Guess What? April 2002

Hearth to Hearth: Passover Foods

Antiques for Retirement

Guess What? March 2002

Hearth to Hearth: Braziers and Chafing Dishes

Collecting Firefighting Antiques and Memorabilia

My Daughter's Blue Cabinet

Hearth to Hearth: Cottolene and the Mysterious Disappearance of Lard

A Royal Menagerie: A Palace Full of Meissen Porcelain Animals

Home Sweet Home – American Folk Art Museum

Guess What? January 2002

Hearth to Hearth: Christmas Pudding

Guess What? December 2001