The Fabric of Their Lives: The Albany Institute of History and Art The Albany Institute of History and Art is home to collections that span our country’s formation, including fine […]
Tag Archives: Hudson River Valley
Exploring Antique Technologies by Kary Pardy The river that flows two ways, the river of tides, the Great River of the Mountains – The Hudson has inspired countless artists and […]
by Melody Amsel-Arieli To drum-beat and heart-beat, A soldier marches by: There is color in his cheek, There is courage in his eye, Yet to drum-beat and heart-beat In a […]
Furniture from the Valley by Jessica Kosinski The Hudson Valley is also commonly called the Hudson River Valley because it surrounds the Hudson River. It is an area with a […]
A Historic Look at the Hudson River Valley by Erica P. Lome In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville penned a letter to his father describing the Hudson River Valley: You will […]
Visiting the Hudson River Valley by Maxine Carter-Lome If you’ve ever visited or spent time in the Hudson River Valley of New York State, than you know something about the […]