1902 Reno, Nevada $10 banknote, $12,500, Holabird Western America
07 Apr
Results of Recent Auctions From Near and Far by Ken Hall
All prices include the buyer’s premium
A 1902 $10 red seal banknote from The Farmers & Merchants National Bank in Reno, Nevada, PMG graded Very Fine 20, sold for $12,500 at a Pikes Peak or Bust! Auction held Jan. 19-22 by Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC in Reno. Also, an 1852 slave broadside offering a reward for “the apprehension of (two) runaway Negroes” (both females), hammered for $8,1750; and a circa 1868 dark lime green Dr. Boerhaave’s Stomach Bitters bottle, 8 3/4 inches tall, reached $8,435.
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