Steuben cameo cutback art glass vase, $9,900, Woody Auction
10 Jan
Results of Recent Auctions From Near and Far
All prices include the buyer’s premium
by Ken Hall
An unmarked Steuben cameo cutback art glass vase, 11 1/2 inches tall, with a blue aurene over yellow jade ground and an incredible dragon design sold for $9,900 at an Antique Auction held October 14th by Woody Auction in Douglass, KS. Also, a pietre dure mosaic slate plaque signed by Mario Montelatici (1894-1974), 15 3/4 inches by 10 inches, with Renaissance scenic décor, realized $7,475; and a Puffy reverse painted table lamp marked Pairpoint, 25 inches tall, went for $4,950.
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