Guess What – September 2014
It took a twisted mind!
by Bob Cahn – “The Primitive Man”
Even though this month’s GUESS WHAT is a one-of-a-kind, it didn’t start out with that in mind. It turned out the design was too complicated to duplicate in production.
When we select a candidate for each month, we look for the unusual and is this a doozy. The spotlight focuses on a visual puzzlement of major confusion.
Only a twisted mind with a hairpin brain could dream up this giant version of the old Cracker Jack in the box puzzle prize.
Never in our wildest imagination could we believe that this wire-hanger gone wild ever existed. But your eyes are proof positive, and Mike Goodman’s keen eye and photograph attest to that fact.
Weighing in at 14″ high with a 6″ circle ring at the top, is it:
1.) Hunting lodge candle holder
2.) Wire rug beater gone astray
3.) Hairdresser’s wig stand
4.) Knitter’s ball of yarn holder
5.) Lifeguard’s reviving oxygen tank hanging fixture
6.) Clothing store hat stand
7.) Ball toss game target
8.) Early sporting goods store rugby/soccer ball display stand
9.) Floor string mop twist wringer
10.) Farmer’s plow horse feed bag holder
11.) Man cave “Happy Hour” wine bottle stand
12.) Shoe shine stand liquid polish bracket
Time’s up, pick the answer!*
*Thanx to Mike Goodman, “King of Stuff,” Sarasota, Fl.
Answer to August’s Guess What
The receiver wore this round, painted circled chunk of wood (with a gloved backing) featuring a series of random outer circle smaller forged iron knobs — with the larger one dead center.
As your opponent tossed the iron rings, you scored for each one caught — with center or bulls-eye counting for more.
It called for exceptional hand strength to manipulate this heavy chunk of wood.*
*Many thanx to Jennifer Price Studio, Cedros St., Solana Beach, Ca.
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