Gavels ‘n’ Paddles: Baccarat Egyptian bottle, $38,400, IPBA Convention
Recent Auction Results From Near & Far
By Ken Hall
An exquisite 1917 Baccarat Egyptian bottle presentation sold for $38,400 at an auction held during the 26th annual convention of the International Perfume Bottle Association (IPBA), May 2, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Also, a Czechoslovakian blue crystal bottle with an Egyptian motif changed hands for $12,000; and a 1922 Rosine bottle, Antinea ou au Fond de la Mer (or “bottom of the sea”) went to a determined bidder for $18,000. Nicholas Dawes, from TV’s Antiques Roadshow, was guest auctioneer for the event. Prices include a 20 percent buyer’s premium.
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