Ken’s Korner: Play-Doh Turns 50 in 2006 – The Journal of Antiques and Collectibles – May 2006
In 1956, a wallpaper cleaning product was invented that probably would have slipped quickly into obscurity were it not for Cincinnati Rainbow Crafts, which saw its potential as a funky-smelling modeling clay. This year marks the 50th anniversary for Play-Doh, and it’s current maker, Hasbro, is celebrating the event with six new pastel colors and an array of accessories to help fold, extrude and mutilate the stuff. Remarkably, Play-Doh continues to thrive in a world full of Bratz and Bionicle.
Not only has it thrived, Play-Doh has posted some impressive numbers since its introduction, when it was available in one color: off-white. About 900 million pounds of Play-Doh have been manufactured over the years, enough to circle the globe 300 times if you rolled it into a giant snake (which kids often do, but not quite as far). The color selection has grown from 1 to 50, and Play-Doh is sold in a total of 75 countries. Not bad for a pungent modeling clay. Happy number 50, Play-Doh!
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