Gavels ‘n’ Paddles: Rock-Ola World Series coin-op, $34,375, Fine Estate, Inc.
30 Apr
Recent Auction Results from Near & Far By Ken Hall
A fully functioning 1937 Rock-Ola 1937 World Series Baseball arcade game sold for $34,375 at an auction held March 21st by Fine Estate, Inc. in San Rafael, CA. Also, a Spalding “King of the Diamond” ball signed by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig was a hit for $17,500; a Ted Williams H&B game-used bat earned $17,500; a framed display of bats featuring Babe Ruth, Jimmy Foxx, and Mel Ott garnered $8,125; and a 1938 Babe Ruth-signed baseball knocked down for $5,312.
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