Rare rose engine lathe, $228,000, Skinner, Inc.
Gavels ‘n’ Paddles
Recent Auction Results From Near & Far
By Ken Hall
A rare and important Holtzapffel & Company rose engine lathe, No. 1636, circa 1830s, sold for $228,000 at a sale of Science, Technology and Clocks held Dec. 1 by Skinner, Inc., in Marlborough, Mass. Also, a Barrauds enamel and pearl-set open face fold watch, circa 1813, brought $67,650; an E. Howard & Company No. 23 90-day astronomical regulator from Boston, circa 1870, chimed on time for $150,000; and a dent ebonized quarter-chiming table clock, circa 1870, went to a determined bidder for $61,500. Prices include an 18.5 percent buyer’s premium.
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