Guess What Article for July 2004 The Journal of Antiques & Collectibles
By Bob Cahn, “The Primitive Man”
We haven’t had a clamp-on challenge in a while; we have one now. This month’s Guess What fastens on a table or work counter, freeing up one hand while the other provides cranking power. The mechanism features two phases or stages: one opens and closes the inner metal jaws – like an insect-eating plant, while the second motion involves rotation of the outer cup. The perforations obviously perform drainage duty. Incidentally, the rim of the outer cup has a tapered edge sharpness.
Stainless steel seems to indicate involvement with food preparation, so our efforts to mislead you reflect the same. We have hidden the correct answer among the following.
Can it be used to:
- Eliminate the center fuzz from cooked artichoke hearts
- Doughnut hole remover
- Grapefruit center seed clump corer
- Craft artisans clay tea-cup handle hole shaper
- Tomato/green pepper center stem and pulp extractor
- Coconut meat drill and scoop
- Fancy ice cream decorative rosette maker
- Jumbo radish rasp and skin peeler
- Pineapple eye remover
- Boiled potato chunk maker for mashed potatoes.
See you here next month to put you out of your misery–with the answer.
Till Then!
Answer to June 2004 ‘Guess What?’
Our attempts at word play last month may have gone over like a lead balloon – but we were just trying to clue you in on the word “drag” to help identify the strange object. It is a horse-drawn harvesting ice block drag. It was pulled on an angle, by design, so the rounded edges would offer less glide resistance.
The two pointed spikes piercing the frame at the bottom kept the block of ice from slipping or sliding off. Ice houses for storing these blocks were most frequently found at the lake or pond edge – to minimize the distance for transport from the source to final destination.*
* Available for acquisition
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