Guess What Article for March 2002 The Journal of A&C
By Bob Cahn, “The Primitive Man”
If it has spring action – it qualifies as a “Guess What” – and guess what, meet a qualifier. The action is subtle and self-induced, with the brass stop or flange moving horizontally when pushed against – and then returning to its original position. The brass surface plate has numerically incremental measurements starting at 4 through 10. With the beveled wood base – all the basic elements of the puzzle are in place.
We’re including the dimensions for size reference to help in your deliberating: 81/4” L x 31/2” D x 11/2” H.
It’s now up to you to try and make sense of the components with as much tainted help from us as possible.
Is it a:
- Wood glue joint drying jig
- Playing card spare deck holder
- Basket weavers reed measure
- Pasta makers rigatoni size guide
- Brick layers row end corner fill-in estimator
- Child’s foot shoe size determinant
- Asparagus stalk cut-off indicator
- Arrow makers feather size accuracy gauge
- Leathercrafters lacing thickness measure
- Manicurists false nails finger drying press?
Check with us next month for the answer – which is NOT among the ones suggested above.*
* From the in-depth collection of Mike Goodman, Vt, Ma, Fl – Thanx a bunch!
Answer to February 2002 Issue ‘Guess What’..?
All of you holding No. 6 in last month’s “Tongue-in-Cheek” lottery are declared winners by the somewhat fraudulent and nefariously self-appointed and tainted “Guess What Gaming Commission.” The munificent sum of $10 (split 10 ways) was anonymously awarded.
As the photo depicts, the tongs –patented May 10, 1904 by W.J. Enz of Cincinatti,Ohio were used for daintily and sanitarily lifting and emptying the cuspidor.*
*Thanx to Randy and Phyllis Tompkins, KOOKS member/dealer/collectors, Temperence, MI!
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