Guess What Article for September 2006
By Bob Cahn, “The Primitive Man”
What’s missing from these pictures? The answer, of course! With this month’s GUESS WHAT, we’re doubling your pleasure (or agony) and possibly complicating your life twice as much.
Frequently we present items for solving – and caution you to question which end is up. This time we’re showing you both positions and double-daring you to pick the right answer, as well.
What you’re looking at are twin dual-position cast iron “C” clamps (with brass pressure knobs) that are capable of assuming two positions… thus the two poses. [Wallet sizes available]
At first glance, it reminds one of the ancient Chinese thumb-screw torture device. Size references: height and diameter of “C” clamp – 6 inches; base or stand – 12 inches by 11 1/2 inches.
Markings include a patent date of Jan. 23, 1917, made by Ferodowill Mfg., St. Paul, Minn. A remote clue could be where and the month it was patented.
Digesting this info may help in honing in on the correct answer from among the following:
- Shish-kabob loading clamp
- Ice skate sharpening device
- Wax taper candle wick insertion holder
- Frankfurter casing and skin-stretching apparatus
- Soap sculptor’s bar soap whittling stand
- Sliced bread loaf holder
- Paper towel roll bulk measuring frame
- Baked potato foil wrap preparation clamp
- Woodworker’s rolling pin lathe
- Pasta packagers bundling gauge.
Time’s up! Answer next month. Till then!*
*Thanx to Cyrus Quam, W. Fargo, N. Dakota, member of the Griswold Cast Iron Cookware Association.
Answer to August’s Guess What?
Making mellow music attainable is the object of any stringed instrument maker. And part of that process is the tuning system, which is controlled by tightening the peg (or key) at the top of the instrument, around which the strings are wound.
Before mass production, the pegs were hand-carved and custom fitted. This device, with its slicing or shaving blade, slivers off the diameter until it fit.
Shown in this double slotted brass example is a hand-carved bone sample. Markings: J.F. Palmborg – Boston.*
* Available for acquisition.
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