by Maxine Carter-Lome, publisher Cameos are one of the most widely recognized types of jewelry. Many of us may even own a piece, most probably handed down from a […]
Tag Archives: Victorian Era
Graveyard Quilts for Mourning By Judy Anne Breneman, Before modern medicine the loss of beloved friends and family members was all too familiar. Childbirth was dangerous and it was […]
by Maxine Carter-Lome, Publisher Since ancient Roman times, a man’s ability to sign his name separated him from the masses and marked him as a member of the ruling class […]
By Alex Askaroff Alex Askaroff is the enthusiastic founder of, a wildly popular website for all things sewing-machine related and officially named the number one antique sewing machine website. […]
Beauty In Advertising The Alluring Images of Ladies from the Victorian Era by Chris H. Beyer A wise man once noted that pretty women have been selling us things since […]