Gavels ‘n’ Paddles: Stoneware salt-glazed jar, $74,750, Jeffrey S. Evans
Recent Auction Results From Near & Far
By Ken Hall
A 3-gallon stoneware salt-glazed jar, painted in cobalt around 1825 with a federal eagle and attributed to James Miller (active 1797-1827), sold for $74,750 at a sale of the Americana collection of John and Lil Palmer held April 5 by Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates in Mt. Crawford, Va. Also, a salt-glazed stoneware diminutive canning jar made at the Thompson Pottery (Morgantown, W. Va.) fetched $48,875; and a John James Trumbull Arnold oil on canvas folk art titled Portrait of Mary Mattingly (1850) made $33,350. Prices include a 15 percent buyer’s premium.
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