Gavels ‘n’ Paddles Recent Auction Results From Near & Far English Regency globes, $43,290, CRN Auctions
A pair of English Regency globes published by J&W Cary (London, 1817) sold for $43,290 at a multi-estate sale held Sept. 9 by CRN Auctions in Cambridge, Mass. Also, a 1947 watercolor by Aiden Lassell Ripley, titled Quail Shoot in the Carolinas, rang out at $23,400; a 17th or 18th century carved rhinoceros horn libation cup in the form of a lotus chalked up $17,550; an 18th century tall case clock chimed on time for $17,550; and an 18th century Connecticut Chippendale highboy changed hands for $9,945. Prices include a 15 percent buyer’s premium.
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