Guess What Article for January 2004 The Journal of Antiques & Collectibles
By Bob Cahn, “The Primitive Man”
This month’s GUESS WHAT personifies what we’ve preached for years – that form and function are not necessarily enemies and can go hand-in-hand, with neither detracting but rather enhancing each other’s prime qualities.
Comprising a series of individually linked sheet iron platelets the size of sturdy oversized army dog (I.D.) tags – we’ve shown two poses: one as a decorative wall piece, the second in actual working position. Hand held, the dimensions are proportionate.
Oops, we’re given too many hints. Let’s not give away the store. The guessing is about to begin, so pay attention to the attempts at deception and subterfuge about to be perpetrated.
Is it:
- Sean Connery’s summer kilt adornment
- Primitive wheat flail
- Cattle herder and motivator
- Folk art wind chime
- Architectural stained glass window summer screen replacement
- Native American garden mulch smoother
- Stable hand’s horsefly chaser
- Corn field scarecrow noisemaker
- Stucco plasterer’s molding design pattern
- African tribal chieftain’s pomp and circumstance breastplate and tsetse fly protector.
We’ve included the correct answer. Do any of the above make sense to you? We’ll straighten out the mess next month. ‘Till then!*
*Ex from the Lenny Kislin collection – available for acquisition
Answer to December 2003 ‘Guess What?’
All you lucky holders of number five in last month’s GUESS WHAT lottery are declared winners and will share equally in the prize: a one year supply of all-day suckers.
The vertical spring-action flat plated device marked: Devoe’s Patent, July 9, 1901, mounted on a wood base – was a desktop memo/bill holder.*
*From the eclectic collection of Alice Picker, Solana Beach, CA.
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