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Tag Archives: comics

Comic Character Collectibles: Despite the Virus, Heritage Scores Impressive Total

The cover for Frank #1 from Nemesis Comics (1993), a short-lived imprint of family-friendly longtime comic book publisher Harvey Comics.

Despite the Virus, Heritage Scores Impressive Total An eclectic mix of original art by some of the most influential artists and major keys in superhero comics was offered on the […]

Comic Character Collectibles: April 2020

Acclaimed artist Todd McFarlane brings his creator-owned character Spawn together with Marvel’s top-selling Spider-Man, the character that propelled him to fame, on the golden anniversary edition of The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide.

Spider-Man Meets Spawn to Celebrate Overstreet’s 50th by J.C. Vaughn   It has been mentioned more than once in this space that 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of The Overstreet […]

Publisher’s Corner: December 2019

Publisher’s Corner: December 2019

Traditions and Discoveries by Maxine Carter-Lome As we close out our 2019 editorial calendar with this December issue and head into a new year, I celebrate my fifth anniversary as […]

Star Wars: Movie Poster Collecting Strikes Back

Star Wars: Movie Poster Collecting Strikes Back

Comic Character Collectibles by J.C. Vaughn With Star Wars: Episode IX –The Rise of Skywalker due in theaters December 20, 2019, it seems like as good a time as any […]

Feast of the Seven Fishes Movie Slated for November Release

Feast of the Seven Fishes Movie Slated for November Release

Comic Character Collectibles by J. C. Vaughn Shout! Studios has secured the rights to Feast of the Seven Fishes, the comedy-drama written and directed by Robert Tinnell, based on his […]

Renewal and Return: Wynonna Earp on the Comeback Trail

Renewal and Return: Wynonna Earp on the Comeback Trail

Comic Character Collectibles By J.C. Vaughn The Earpers, those dedicated, committed fans of SyFy’s cult hit series, Wynonna Earp, can pause and let themselves enjoy a well-earned whiskey because the […]

Video Game Collecting on the Rise?

Video Game Collecting on the Rise?

Comic Character Collectibles by J.C. Vaughn It’s always interesting to watch an emerging niche in the field of pop culture collectibles and to attempt to anticipate whether something’s a fad […]